Voting portal 📮

Centralize integration requests from users and leads. Streamline your integration roadmap.

Get started for free

The voting portal is included in Apideck Ecosystem.

Lever screenshot
Trusted by
Invoice2go by BILL
Ponto | Isabel Group


Collect requests

Validate your next steps and collect new ideas by collecting users’ requests and get key user insights faster

Validate ideas

Gain more insights and identify intent early on. Validate your ideas and use intent data for your integration road map.

Build faster

See if an integration is already available on Unify and fast-track your integration development.

Generate leads

Customers and potential leads visiting your ecosystem can vote for their integrations through the voting page.

Notify customers

Keep your customers up to date about the status of the integration. Notify as soon as the integration has been launched.

Enrich requests

Get to know what other apps and technologies visitors are using to identify additional integrations.

Public + private portal

Not quite ready yet to share your requested integrations with the world? Invite your team to the private portal.